St. Anthony’s Burse – Educating and Assisting Young Seminarians

Bringing a New Priest to Christ’s Altar

Not every home is fortunate enough to count a Priest among its children, but every family can have its “own Priest” by helping a student towards the Sacred Priesthood. Your family can have its “own Franciscan Father” by contributing to St. Anthony’s Burse, thus sharing the upkeep of a student.

Franciscan priests and brothers follow in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus and our Father, St. Francis. They accept the gift of poverty as a way of life. So they have nothing of their own, but share equally as brothers whatever God provides through your generosity.

It now costs over $10,000 a year to educate and support these seminarians in their studies. Your gift can help meet that cost.

Thank you for your support,

Fr. Robert, OFM