
“I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, even if he dies, will live; and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” – John 11::25-26

October 2024

Dear Friend,

When someone we love is grieving, we offer them comfort in all the ways we can: with our words, with our remembrances, with our quiet presence, and with our earnest prayer – for we know our prayers can help to ease the pain of the grieving, and also help the deceased to be at peace with the Lord in heaven.

One of the best ways to offer comfort is through remembrance in All Souls’ Day Masses. They’re coming up soon, and my fellow Franciscan Friars and I are hoping you will allow us to pray for your dearly departed.

Please submit their names and we will include them in our Mass for All Souls’ Day on Saturday, November 2, and during our Novena for the Holy Souls, November 21-29.

If you have suffered a recent loss, I offer you all the solace my words and prayers can give. I am certain that they will live in your heart each day.

I, too, have experienced such grief. I have lost family, friends and fellow friars who brought joy and laughter to my life, and who joined me faithfully for prayer and service.

I miss them every day. I pray for their souls often, and particularly as All Souls’ Day draws near each year. Praying for God’s intercession and contemplating our loved ones’ ascension to heaven not only helps them find peace, but it helps us to find spiritual peace, too.

Perhaps, this year on All Souls’ Day, you’ll visit the cemeteries where your loved ones are peacefully interred and pray for their souls. Or you may be attending services and lighting candles for those you have lost.

You may also be contemplating the giving of alms. Many find that giving in honor of our loved ones for All Souls’ Day is a wonderful way to remember their good deeds on Earth, and to bring joy and comfort to those in need.

Please send your intentions and the names of your deceased loved ones so we may join you in praying for their heavenly peace on All Souls’ Day and during the Novena. Please also remember our missionaries among your intentions and if you are able, include an offering of any amount to assist their work here in the United States and in our missions in Central America.

May God bless you and fill you with His peace on All Souls’ Day and throughout the year.

Yours in St. Francis,


Fr. Robert, O.F.M.