St. Anne
St. Anne is the patron saint of motherhood
St. Anne’s feast day is July 26

In the Protoevangelium of St. James, a book written at the same time as the Gospels but not considered inspired Scripture, we are told that Anne was the name of the Virgin Mary’s mother. In speaking to St. Anne, we therefore speak to the grandmother of Jesus.
The story of St. Anne
In the divine plan of salvation, Anne and her husband Joachim were given special places in the chain of events that eventually led to the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem. She gave birth to Mary, raised her religiously, and helped her become the worthy handmaid of the Lord.
Veneration of St. Anne
In the eastern church, veneration of Anne goes back as far as 550, when a church was built in Constantinople in her honor. A shrine in northern France dating to the 12th century was one of the early centers of devotion to her in the west.
St. Anne is honored in the Church because she was chosen by God, along with her husband Joachim, for a privileged role in the salvation of humanity. She is patron saint of motherhood, and St. Anne’s feast day is July 26.
How to pray to St. Anne

Almighty and eternal Father,
You gave St. Anne the privilege of being the mother of Blessed Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. Through the intercession of Saint Anne, we ask you to continue to bless all Families.
May the prayers of Saint Anne help us attain the salvation you promised your people.
Make an offering
with a prayer intention
to St. Anne
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