Medical Aid for the Poor and Sick in Mission Lands

By one simple act of kindness, the Good Samaritan set a standard of Christian charity for all ages.

Will you also hear the cries of the afflicted and help bind their wounds?

Both young children and the aged are suffering from terrible diseases seldom heard of in our own country. Yes they can be cured and their lives saved with proper medical attention in our missions.

But, sad to say, severe shortages of medicine often defeat our friars’ best efforts in their clinics and mission aid stations.

No one has to tell you how costly medical care and drugs are today. For our Franciscan Missionaries, they are even more so, since they must be stored and airlifted to far away lands where medicine is often primitive.

Penicillin, antibiotics, vitamins, surgical and medical supplies of all kinds are desperately needed to curb and cure infections, tropical diseases, leprosy and other dread afflictions that threaten lives in our Mission lands.

Act Now to Save Lives

It is heartbreaking for our Franciscan Friars to stand by and watch helplessly as innocent children or frail older people die. Yet they are often forced to do so because they lack needed medical supplies. It need not happen. It won’t if you come to their aid. Please give what you can to the Franciscan Medical Aid Fund today.

Be it $500 or $5, it will help our friars in their Christ-like works of mercy among the sick poor in our Missions. God will reward your kindness and generosity a hundredfold.

Thank you for your support,

Fr. Robert, OFM