Boletín informativo de FMA Focus

Una revista trimestral espiritual y de misión, FMA Focus se envía por correo sin cargo a cualquiera que solicite información. Promueve la vida espiritual de los destinatarios y ayuda a informarles sobre las actividades del trabajo misionero de los Hermanos y Hermanas en el mundo.

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June 2024 – Vol. 57, No. 4

In this issue:

  • Virtue: Silence
  • Silent Prayer: Your Resource Anywhere, Anytime
  • June Weddings: Special Days
  • A Helper in Difficult Times
  • The Holy Spirit, Source of Unity
  • A Vision of Beauty in August
  • Director’s Letter
  • Kindles For Kinder: “The Impact”
  • Transformation in ihe Valley
  • Words Worth Noting
  • Our Readers Gladly Write…
  • He Trusted God Enough to Chart Unknown Pathways
  • Drop in on the Lord
  • Taking the First Step in Evangelization
  • Special Novena Schedule

February 2024 – Vol. 57, No. 3

In this issue:

  • Virtue: Awe
  • Learning To Accept Our Nature As God’s People
  • Spend lent with the scriptures
  • Benedict XVI’s Call To Unity, And Mary’s Part In It
  • Confession changed her life: St. Catherine of Genoa
  • The Cross And the Hand of God – St. Francis
  • Director’s Letter
  • Dreams Do Come True, Even If Not Seen
  • An Update From Rome – Pray For Our Men In Formation
  • Words Worth Noting
  • Our Readers Gladly Write…
  • Converting the World: How You Can Take Part
  • Spend Lent Honoring The Year Of Prayer 2024
  • Pray For The Caregivers – Sustain Those Who Sustain Us!
  • FMA Spiritual Exercises Lent – Easter 2024

November 2023 – Vol. 57, No. 2

In this issue:

  • Virtue Healing
  • Oh Lord, help us welcome your gift of self
  • Spend Advent with St. Francis
  • Remember Your Great Dignity as A Christian
  • Embracing Faith Formation in the Digital Age
  • A Gift for The World; One Kind Word A Day
  • Director’s Letter
  • My Journey Towards Embracing a Religious Vocation
  • Valley Of the Angels: Transforming Lives For 30 Years
  • Words Worth Noting
  • Our Readers gladly write…
  • Never give up on the Lord: Seeking St. Jude’s Intercession
  • All Saints and All Souls. Truths of Faith
  • Advent – we wait, and we wonder
  • Special Novena Schedule Advent-Christmas 2023

September 2023 – Vol. 57, No. 1

In this issue:

  • Virtue: Love
  • Love for the elderly
  • How we hunger and thirst – but not for food!
  • Age is no barrier – St. John of Capistrano
  • Go and do – Christ’s loving command
  • Director’s Letter
  • Serving seniors for two decades in Olancho
  • Kindle for “kinder”
  • Words Worth Noting
  • Our Readers gladly write…
  • Have you been ignoring your angel?
  • Performing the works of mercy – each day!!
  • Alzheimer’s disease and St. Dymphna
  • Special Novena Schedule Fall 2023

June 2023 – Vol. 56, No. 4

In this issue:

  • Virtue: Understanding
  • Understanding is a Gift From God
  • Summertime – Warm Days to Focus On Prayer
  • A Special Kind of Prayer Apostolate, St. Francis
  • The Martyrs of Uganda – June 3
  • God Is Our Co-Pilot
  • Director’s Letter
  • A Rewarding Lifestyle Thanks to Agape
  • An Update From Rome – Busy Days and Nights
  • Words Worth Noting
  • Our Readers Gladly Write…
  • St. Anthony – Accepted Change When it Was God’s Will
  • Dedicate Yourself to The Heart Of Jesus
  • Pray For Seemingly Hopeless Causes – St. Jude
  • Special Novena Schedule Summer 2023