Let us pray to St. Peregrine for a miracle

There’s no way around it — a diagnosis of cancer is a devastating blow. In an instant, life is upended. Tears flow. Hearts break.

But if you or a loved one is facing such traumatic news, please know this: You are not alone. Our Franciscan Friars are here to pray for you during your most trying times.

Please send us your intentions for two special Novenas of Masses to St. Peregrine, patron saint of those with cancer or life-threatening illnesses. The first, in petition, begins on his feast day, May 1, and goes to May 9. The second, in thanksgiving, will be celebrated from May 10–18.

When St. Peregrine suffered from a cancer in his leg, he spent hours in prayer — and Christ granted him a miraculous cure. Ever since, St. Peregrine has brought comfort and healing to those who seek his aid.

We pray also for the health of those in our missions who are ill and suffering from disease or poverty or both. So in honor of St. Peregrine, will you please make a generous donation to bring urgently needed medical care as well as comfort to the people in our missions?

On behalf of everyone at Franciscan Mission Associates, I’m so grateful for your support. God bless you.