Update from Rome – our men in formation

By: Br. Daniel, OFM

Rome, sweet Rome! 

After a summer of pastoral and fraternal experience throughout our beloved province, where we received brotherly hospitality from all, we returned to Rome. We came a little early in anticipation of a joyous celebration – the solemn profession of our brother Marco. 

Early in the fall, Marco made this profession in the hands of our Provincial Minister, Fr. Robert. What an event to be a part of! In a way, it was like we were all making our solemn profession with him—wishful thinking or living vicariously? Marco has been an integral part of the fraternity here in Rome for the past three years and we are all very proud of him. We wish him many blessings going forward in his ministry.

Although one brother moves on to a new chapter of his vocation, the community here at the Convento was happy to receive with open arms a new member to our fraternity—Br. Kevin. We welcome him to the Convento.

We were honored here in Rome to host our Provincial Minister, Fr. Robert, and our Provincial Definitor, Fr. Orlando, for the feast of St. Francis. As our tradition dictates, we all went up to the General Curia to participate in the transitus, the memorial of our Holy Father Francis’ passing from this life. The guardian of the Curia reminded us to rejoice because Francis did “what was his to do” and called us to remember that Christ will also teach us “what we are to do.” Tradition also dictates that we celebrate with a luncheon together as a fraternity. We obliged!

The next month we returned to the Franciscan University, the Antonianum, to begin classes, each of us at a different level of the 5-year program there. We solemnly inaugurated the year with a Mass celebrated by the General Minister, Fr. Massimo Fusarelli. The Master of

Ceremonies (head server) was none other than our own Br. Jack, who also organized the liturgy of Br. Marco’s profession.

One more point of interest: later that month, the community assisted with the rosary procession in St. Peter’s Square to pray for the Synod. It was impressive to see so many faithful there with their candles raised in honor of Our Lady. 

It’s always a pleasure to share with you all a bit of our journey. It helps us to stay close to you. 

Remember us in your prayers and Masses as we persevere in initial formation, that we may have a rich, productive school year. Rest assured of our prayers for you all! May the Lord give you peace!

About Formation

Franciscan priests and brothers follow in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus and St. Francis. They accept the gift of poverty as a way of life. They have nothing of their own but share equally as brothers whatever God provides through your generosity.

To educate and support a seminarian in his studies costs more than $10,000 a year. Show your support for our Franciscan Brothers by making a donation today.

Thank you, and God bless.