Monthly Supporter – support Franciscan missions

What your support means:

Transformation$250/mo. provides:

  • A year’s worth of groceries and standard medical care for a family in need; or​
  • A year’s worth of hemodialysis treatments​; or
  • Three months of tuition, books, room, board, and travel for a Franciscan student​

Empowerment – $50/mo. provides:

  • Three months’ worth of groceries for a family in need​; or
  • Three cataract surgeries to restore sight in elderly persons​; or
  • A year of English classes for two children per year​

Encouragement$20/mo. provides:

  • A week’s worth of meals for ten children; or​
  • Medical consultations for ten families​; or
  • A year of sewing classes for two child​ren

Comfort$10/mo. provides:

  • Daily milk for two children for a month​; or
  • Prenatal care for three mothers​; or
  • Two semesters of English classes for a child​

Please select an offering

Benefits for Monthly Supporters




Remembrance in a monthly novena
Electronic and print versions of FMA Focus publication sent to you twice per year
Regular emails with spiritual guidance and updates about the impact of your support
Candle(s) lit for your intentions each monthWeekly321
Personal response to messages, prayer requests, and donationsFrom your dedicated
FMA staff member*
Annual handpicked religious gift(s)2 gifts/year1 gift/year1 gift/year
Beautiful printed annual compendium of FMA Focus mailed to you
* via phone or email during regular business hours

Help the Franciscans’ work continue in perpetuity.