Summertime and the warmth of prayer

Proposals to have children attend school year-round always crop up As Summer approaches. Yet those who understand how growth takes place are unlikely to make such suggestions. We need only look to other aspects of life to understand the importance of periods of rest.

For example, science tells us that building muscle is best accomplished by alternating exercise and rest. This allows the muscles to rest and grow. Farmers also know the importance of alternating planting a field and leaving it fallow. This is a long-held principle dating back to the ancient societies. When the land had a chance to rest and recuperate for a year, crops were more hardy and plentiful the next year.

Like our muscles and the fields, our minds and hearts must be given rest or they, too, can become overworked. Summer can be a time of “harvest” if we take advantage of it. 

Think of the many activities you push aside all year when you rush, rush, rush. Two of the important things that you might find more time for during the long days of summer are conversation and prayer. 

Perhaps you have a family member whom you haven’t spoken to in a while, maybe because of a falling out, or because life takes people, even family members, in different directions. Remember that God calls us to love one another as He has loved us, and that life is short. If you are experiencing a rift, or just a great distance from family and friends, praying to St. Joseph for his intercession is a great idea. Although he originally decided to divorce Mary quietly when he found out she was pregnant, after the angel’s visit and some prayer, he became the head of the Holy Family, watching over Mary and Jesus and keeping the family together. 

If we are worried about our own families or about feeling distant, St. Joseph will be there to help us gain the strength to mend the rift or close the distance and continue with an even stronger relationship.

Summertime can also be an opportunity for us to grow in our prayer life. We need to exercise our soul as well as our body, and Summer can be a time to reconnect with God. So, during these days, make sure that while you are tending to your day-to-day responsibilities, you are also making time to develop your heart, mind and soul. Doing so will bring growth and prepare us for everlasting life with God and the saints in heaven.