St. Anthony

St. Anthony of Padua was born 15 August 1195 in Portugal.

The story of St. Anthony

At the age of 15, Anthony was received into the Canons Regular of the Order of the Holy Cross at the Abbey of Saint Vincent on the outskirts of Lisbon. Wishing for greater opportunity to focus on his religious studies, he soon asked to be transferred to the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Coimbra, then the capital of Portugal, where he studied theology and Latin.

St. Anthony and St. Francis

Originally a member of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, Anthony became a Franciscan in 1220. St. Francis of Assisi himself appointed Anthony in 1224 as the first theology teacher of the Franciscans. In Anthony, Francis found a kindred spirit who shared his vision and could also provide the teaching any young members of the order seeking ordination might need. He entrusted the pursuit of studies for any of his friars to the care of Anthony.

St. Anthony as a preacher

Anthony was a very persuasive preacher in northern Italy and southern France, as well as a devoted minister to the people of God. This ability is illustrated in the story of St. Anthony preaching to the fish.

When heretics in Rimini treated him with contempt, he went to the shoreline and began preaching at the water’s edge. A great crowd of fish gathered before him, and the townspeople flocked to see the spectacle. Anthony then pointed out the fact that the fish were more receptive to his message than the heretics of the church. This moved the people to listen to his message.

St. Anthony’s lost psalter

The practice of praying for St. Anthony’s help in finding lost or stolen things is traced to an incident in Bologna. There, his book of psalms — which contained his notes and comments for use in teaching his students — was taken by a novice as he defected. When Anthony realized his psalter was missing, he prayed it would be found or returned. The thief was moved to not only return the book to Anthony, but also to return to the order.

St. Anthony is also invoked by sailors, fisherfolk, and travelers due to his many travels as a preacher.

Important dates for St. Anthony

Anthony died in 1231 near Padua in Italy and was canonized by Pope Gregory IX in 1232. Since then, countless miracles have occurred through prayers invoking St. Anthony’s intercession, so he is called the Wonder Worker of Padua. He is patron saint of the poor, lost and stolen things, and of travelers. In 1946, he was named a Doctor of the Church. St. Anthony’s Feast Day is June 13.

How to pray to St. Anthony

Make an offering
with a prayer intention
to St. Anthony

Help the Franciscans’ work continue in perpetuity.