The Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel

The Holy Angels St. Michael, St. Raphael, and St. Gabriel are commemorated together in liturgy. God created them to be our protectors and guides. They communicate His will to humans.

Who are the Archangels?

Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel are the only three single angels mentioned in the Bible, which indicates their importance in delivering the most urgent messages of God.

St. Michael has been honored on September 29 since the fifth century; Gabriel and Raphael were added in 1921. 

About St. Michael – warrior against evil

Michael means “who is like God” In the Book of Daniel, and in Jewish tradition, he is the guardian of the chosen people. The Church continues to honor him as our special protector. The Book of Revelation speaks of the battle between the faithful and unfaithful angels. Michael, the leader of God’s army, casts Satan into the abyss.

St. Michael is honored as a champion of justice and guardian of the Church.

About St. Gabriel – messenger for God

Gabriel means “God’s messenger.” He is best known as the angel of the Annunciation, speaking the first words of the Hail Mary. He also appeared to Zechariah to predict the birth of John the Baptist. In the Old Testament, Gabriel stood by the prophet Daniel and explained to him the visions that Daniel was experiencing.

St. Gabriel is honored as messenger for God.

About St. Raphael – healer and guide

Raphael means “God heals.” He is mentioned only in the Book of Tobit. Disguised as a human, he helps Tobiah on a journey to Media and liberates Tobiah’s betrothed, Sarah, from a demon who killed her seven previous husbands. Raphael also heals Tobiah’s father, Tobit, of blindness.

St. Raphael is heavenly patron of the blind and a guide for travelers.

Veneration of Angels

Angels are a powerful instrument of God’s love for humanity, and the Archangels “lead the team.” May we invoke them for the great power that God has given to them.

How to pray to the Archangels

Make an offering
with a prayer intention
to the Archangels

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