St. Jude

Born in the first century AD, Jude was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus. With unwavering faith, Jude sought to love God through challenging times. We continue to call upon him for fortitude in overcoming seemingly impossible odds in daily life.

The story of St. Jude

Jude was called to be one of the Apostles and began preaching in Galilee, Samaria, and Judea. He later became a leader of the Eastern Church in Mesopotamia and is credited with helping in the early creation of the church in places beyond the Roman Empire.

Jude warned against the pseudo-teachers of the day who were spreading false ideas about the Christian faith. He also encouraged people to persevere in the face of difficult circumstances. Jude was martyred in Persia or Syria around 65 AD.

Miracles of St. Jude

After St. Jude’s martyrdom, pilgrims came to his crypt in Rome to pray and many of them experienced favors from God through the powerful intercession of St. Jude. St. Jude is the patron saint of the hopeless and despairing. His feast day is October 28.

How to pray to St. Jude

Make an offering
with a prayer intention
to St. Jude

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