St. Joseph

Saint Joseph is a model of many virtues. As the foster-father of Jesus, he protected Him and Mary and built a home for them. Like Jesus, Joseph shows us that human labor gives honor to God.

The story of St. Joseph

During his life, Joseph watched over both Mary and Jesus. He was following the directions that he received in dreams to keep Jesus and Mary safe.

Joseph is seldom mentioned in the New Testament, but these rare encounters show his strength of character, the respect he enjoyed in the community, his ability to act quickly when faced with danger, his kindness, and his intuition.

He was a man at once both very holy and very ordinary.

Veneration of St. Joseph

Pope St. John XXIII placed the Second Vatican Council under Joseph’s patronage and often called on him as an example: “To learn to obey, to learn to keep silence, to speak when need arises, with moderation and courtesy — this is what Saint Joseph teaches us.” 

St. Joseph was long honored in the eastern church, and by the ninth century he was honored as far away as Ireland. Then by the 15th century, Joseph became a popular saint in the western church — his feast was introduced in the Western Liturgical calendar in 1479.

Important dates for St. Joseph

Many Popes have called on Joseph and honored him as a model in specific ways:

  • In 1870, Pius IX named St. Joseph patron of the universal church
  • In 1889, Leo XIII cited Joseph as a model for fathers of families, placing Joseph next to the Virgin Mary among the saints in his encyclical, “On Devotion to St. Joseph”
  • In 1920, Benedict XV named Joseph patron of working men
  • In 1937, Pius XI placed the campaign against atheistic communism “Under the standard of St. Joseph” who “belonged to the working class and bore the burden of poverty for himself and the Holy Family”
  • In 1955, Pius XII established the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker (May 1)
  • Pope John XXIII added St. Joseph’s name to the Roman Canon (Eucharistic Prayer I)
  • Pope Francis added Joseph’s name to the rest of the Eucharistic Prayers
  • St. Joseph’s Feast Day is March 19

We can pray for St. Joseph’s intercession as we pray for people in our nation and throughout the world who seek honest work each day.

How to pray to St. Joseph

Make an offering
with a prayer intention
to St. Joseph

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