A gift in your will or trust

It is easy to make a gift to FMA in your will or revocable living trust. A charitable bequest costs little or nothing to make now and you won’t have to give away assets you depend on.

Benefits of making a bequest gift in your will or revocable living trust:

  • Easy to arrange
  • Flexible and can change as your needs change
  • Maintain control of your assets for as long as you need them
  • Bring material aid and spiritual care to people in need as part of your legacy

How it works

You may designate a specific dollar amount, a specific asset, or a percentage of your estate to go to a charitable organization like FMA.

Simply add bequest language like this to your will or revocable living trust:

I give {  _____ percent of my estate, or description of asset, or _________ dollars } to Franciscan Mission Associates, with address of 274 W. Lincoln Avenue, PO Box 598, Mt. Vernon, NY, 10551, and Tax ID: 13-1982783, to be used for the furtherance of its works of charity.