Join our annual pilgrimage to Marian Shrines, April 9 – 18, 2024

We warmly invite you to join us on a pilgrimage to honor Our Lady! The 10-Day Pilgrimage will take place April 9 – 18, 2024 to the Marian Shrines of Portugal, France and Spain: Fátima – Ávila – Segovia – Zaragoza – Lourdes – Montserrat – Barcelona

Our journey will begin in Fátima, a revered destination where one of the most extraordinary apparitions of the Blessed Mother occurred. On May 13, 1917, three young peasant children—Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco, now revered as Saints—received an apparition of the Blessed Mother. Today, Fátima continues to draw pilgrims from all corners of the globe, who seek and discover the profound messages of peace left by Mary for the world.

We will visit Ávila, the walled City of Kings and Saints. This sacred place holds great significance in the life of St. Teresa. Our pilgrimage will include visits to the Cathedral that houses her relics, the Convent built over the house where she was born, and the Monastery of the Incarnation, her home for 27 years. Join us in celebrating Mass at the chapel, commemorating the “transverberation” or piercing of St. Teresa’s heart.

Our journey continues to Lourdes, a highlight of our pilgrimage. We will follow the footsteps of St. Bernadette and celebrate Mass at the Marian Shrine renowned for countless healings. As we return to Spain, we will pause at Montserrat Mountain, where we will pray before Our Lady of Montserrat. St. Ignatius of Loyola found inspiration here, leading to the founding of the Jesuit Order. Lastly, we cannot miss the unforgettable city of Barcelona, where we will explore Antonio Gaudi’s masterpiece, the Sagrada Familia—an iconic symbol of the city.

This pilgrimage promises an unforgettable experience. We sincerely hope you will consider joining us on this spiritual journey.

Joyfully in Christ,

Benefactors’ Pilgrimage Office of the Franciscan Mission Associates