Pray with us

Ours is a faith-based world in the name of Jesus Christ and the example of St. Francis of Assisi, where the care of spirit, soul, and body inspires universal humility, social justice, and stewardship of the natural environment.

See Full Devotional Calendar

We invite you to pray with us

Novenas & Feast Days

Check our schedule of Novenas of Masses and
Feasts of Saints throughout the year.

Devotions to Saints


You, your family and friends can request to be perpetually remembered in prayer by the Franciscan Friars.

Request a Mass

Request a Mass for a living or
deceased person.

Prayer intentions

We personally respond to each prayer request and
place it on the altar for remembrance at Mass.

Light a candle

Offer a burning candle before our altars and shrines as an act of prayer to God, our blessed Mother, or the saints.

Annual pilgrimage

Visit sacred places with us and other Catholic friends, led by one of our Franciscan Friars.

Help the Franciscans’ work continue in perpetuity.