Discerning the Franciscan path – my formation story

By: Br. Kevin, OFM

I am 31 years old and I come from Nicaragua, Central America. I was born in a small city called Masaya, which means “land of fire” or “land of deer.” My city is well known for its folklore, popular traditions, and religious celebrations. The popular festivities are dedicated to Saint Jerome, the patron saint of my town. 

A peaceful childhood

I grew up in a large family consisting of my grandparents, uncles, mother, and siblings. Some of my earliest memories at home include my grandfather and uncles’ shoemaking workshop, religious processions in my parish, and prayer groups that would gather at my house. Overall, I had a peaceful and beautiful childhood. 

Budding curiosity about vocation

I enrolled in the Salesian school in my city, which was a significant event in my life. During my years as a student with the Salesians, I learned to love the Blessed Sacrament, Mary Help of Christians, and Don Bosco. It was during this time that my curiosity about vocation and my love for the Church awakened. 

During my adolescence, I participated in the group of altar servers at the San Sebastián Church, which was located next to the Salesian school. I also remember enjoying going on missions during Holy Week. Many teenagers and young people, organized by the Salesian priests and sisters, would go to remote communities during Holy Week to provide spiritual support, as it was difficult for a priest to reach those areas and celebrate Mass. 

Encountering St. Francis

It was during one of these experiences that I encountered the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi through a Conventual Franciscan Friar. The kindness and simplicity of this friar impressed me. He was different from the priests I had known until then. 

One scene that impacted me was when, after lunch, the friar got up from the table, collected the plates and glasses, and went to the kitchen to help wash them. I asked him, “Why are you doing this? Aren’t you a religious?” And he replied, “Young man, hurry up and help me. Can’t you see that the lady of the house has a lot to do?” From that moment on, the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi started to stir something within me. 

Discerning my path

Like everyone else, there was a time when I wasn’t sure which path to follow in life. I studied psychology and, at the same time, started working in pastoral education at a Catholic school. I enjoyed what I was doing, what I was studying, and I was involved in various volunteer experiences. However, I felt the need to decide. 

I sought spiritual guidance from a diocesan priest who accompanied me in that process. While I was asking myself, “What does God want from me?” I met a young Franciscan Friar who spoke to me about the Franciscan Friars and the mission of the New York Province in Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. All of that excited me. 

In 2019, after participating in World Youth Day with Pope Francis in Panama, I found the strength to choose the Franciscan consecrated life in the Immaculate Conception Province of New York. In September of that year, I traveled to Brooklyn to begin the postulancy program, and the following year, I arrived in Italy to spend the novitiate year at the Church of San Damiano in Assisi, Italy. 

It has been a beautiful journey, not without its difficulties, but the Lord always helps us with His grace. I am happy to be a Franciscan and to prepare myself to serve in the various missions of our Province, serving those who need us the most. 

About Formation

Franciscan priests and brothers follow in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus and St. Francis. They accept the gift of poverty as a way of life. They have nothing of their own but share equally as brothers whatever God provides through your generosity.

To educate and support a seminarian in his studies costs more than $10,000 a year. Show your support for our Franciscan Brothers by making a donation today.

Thank you, and God bless.