Connect with loved ones through Table Talk

By: Fr. Jack, O.F.M.

We have a daily practice at the AGAPE friary which we call Table Talk. I wanted to share the experience with you and encourage you to think about how you could incorporate Table Talk with your loved ones.

I know that many of you have extremely busy lives and when it comes to having family meals not every member of the family may be present. Life in the missions can be similar due to the demands and circumstances of each friar in fulfillment of his particular duties, whether in a parish setting, a school, a clinic, a humanitarian outreach apostolate, an evangelization apostolate via radio or TV, or an administrative position. 

Still, we try to be faithful to a particular day when all can join in with narratives of their personal activities. In the missions, Table Talk at the AGAPE friary, especially at the noonday meal, can last almost an extra hour. Each friar shares anecdotes of his past ministries, formation, most recent activity, and his personal history.

At times I just sit in amazement at the way certain topics of conversation seem to arise out of the blue, a humble fact or even austere silence. Often, the stories almost seem interconnected.

With regard to ages and experiences, many of our chats include formation events or antics. However, topics of historical and ecclesial movements run the gauntlet of individual perspectives, personal studies, opinions or added knowledge just from sharing. With different ideas, attitudes, views and beliefs, you cannot leave the table less satisfied, and I am not only talking about the food (which by the way is prepared with loving care). 

Fr. Mauricio, a librarian and Church historian, imparts tidbits of trivia connected to certain historical events that have had an impact on tradition and other common beliefs that affect the way things have been done through the centuries and even in modern times. Fr. Jaime is noted for his expertise in language and the current, and past, local, political atmosphere.

Fr. Victor is a “question box” who keeps the conversations rolling. He is always amazed at the wonders that surround us. Our postulant, Luis, shares about life with his family, while I share from multiple experiences of our formation period in the US, Guatemala, Honduras, active-duty time around the world, and now as the President of the Association AGAPE of El Salvador.

The Table Talk in our community helps us to understand each person’s viewpoint and knowledge concerning worldly happenings and fundamental beliefs without any critical responses which might offend the brothers. Beginning each meal with prayer and ending our conversation time at the table with prayer keeps us joined to the Giver of the gifts shared and grateful for the enjoyment of having share them.

Included in our prayers, of course, are those of you who so graciously contribute to our missionary efforts as we work for the good of those less fortunate that they, too, may have a table around which to share stories of love, food, family and God.