AGAPE’s first charitable project still serving the elderly poor in El Salvador

The first social-service project that Fr. Flavian Mucci, OFM, started in El Salvador in 1978 is the AGAPE Open Dining Room to feed the poor. It continues today, providing breakfast, lunch, and dinner 365 days per year to about 70 homeless older adults each day.

The dining room is located in Sonsonate, a predominately agricultural region of the country well-known for both solemnity and fervor during Holy Week. Meal preparation is supervised by a nutritionist to ensure the elders receive a healthful and balanced diet. 

In addition to meals prepared onsite, those who make use of the dining room also receive basic healthcare, recreation, and spiritual guidance, among other services.

The AGAPE Open Dining Room is one of the many spiritual and humanitarian works that your donations to Franciscan Mission Associates (FMA) supports.


AGAPE is the Agape Association of El Salvador, one of the IC Province missions that your donations to Franciscan Mission Associates (FMA) supports. AGAPE was founded in 1978 by Father Flavian Mucci and has grown into a human development institution.

AGAPE contributes to meeting the needs of the most unprotected sectors of the country through services in education, health, food, evangelization, environment, social assistance and promotion of values—all guided by ethical principles and Franciscan Christian values. AGAPE carries out care programs that, combined with productive projects or activities, generate resources for its sustainability and increasing its social impact.