A constant return to Christ – my formation story

By: Br. Daniel, OFM

Greetings in the Lord Jesus! I am a Franciscan friar from the Dominican Republic and currently in the Province of the Immaculate Conception’s formation house in Rome doing my first of three years of theology after having completed the first two years of philosophy. 

An early introduction to the Church

When I was a little boy, a neighbor who later became my confirmation godmother would take me and my sister to the parish. It was a new experience for us, because my parents were not practicing Catholics; in fact, we were not even baptized. We felt so good in the Church, so accepted, and it was like a home. After that, we never stopped going to Mass and little by little, we understood the mysteries of the faith.  

At one point in my life, I began to have a deep existential crisis in my faith, and questions arose about what my future would be like. At that moment, I felt Jesus’ presence – He who had always there since my childhood – saving me, protecting me, presenting himself and looking at me with his merciful gaze! 

From that moment I decided to try to live for Him. 

My Franciscan calling

I was immediately moved by the missionary aspect of the Franciscan Order, and how the Franciscan charisma is lived among the people.

The Gospel is our driving force as we move around the world living in fraternity and minority. 

Something else which struck me was the notion of “penance”, which is a constant return to Christ, serving him wholeheartedly among the poor. These two factors compelled me to choose the Franciscan religious order.

I would like to leave you all with this biblical quotation that illuminates my vocational path: “Moreover, we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, of those who are called according to his purpose.” Rom 8:28.

About Formation

Franciscan priests and brothers follow in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus and St. Francis. They accept the gift of poverty as a way of life. They have nothing of their own but share equally as brothers whatever God provides through your generosity.

To educate and support a seminarian in his studies costs more than $10,000 a year. Show your support for our Franciscan Brothers by making a donation today.

Thank you, and God bless.