April 2024

Let us pray for your needs and intentions – you and members of your family, both living and deceased, will be remembered in the Novenas celebrated for your intentions and in the masses offered each day for you.

April 2020

May we pray to St. Dymphna for you or a loved one in distress? Send your intentions today.


Dear Friend,

Does confusion and worry sometimes darken the blue skies of your life? If so, you’re not alone – our human struggle against loneliness, anxiety and doubt sometimes seems endless, no matter how hard we try to find the sunshine of our Savior’s love.

But take heart! Help is as near as your next prayer to our beloved St. Dymphna. From the depth of her own great human suffering, our Patron Saint of those in emotional anguish stands ready to marshal her greatest powers to guide you to that bright, sweet, healing light.

What joy and relief comes to us from the enfolding love and intercession of this remarkable Saint. No pain stands outside her realm of experience. No trouble is too great for her saintly authority. She hears every word of our prayers.

Soon we will come together to ask St. Dymphna to bring our needs and troubles to the attention of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We look forward to joining our prayers with yours in a Novena of Petition to St. Dymphna from May 7 to May 15 – her Feast Day – and in Thanksgiving from May 16 to May 24.

Please send your petitions to St. Dymphna as soon as you can.

I also invite you to include your special entreaties to St. Peregrine, Patron Saint of those afflicted with incurable diseases, cancer and foot ailments. We will offer your petitions in Novenas of Masses from May 2 to 10 and May 11 to 19.

Kindly be sure to send your intentions to me now to be included in the Novenas of Masses, and join us in prayer and petition for all our needs and hopes. Please also remember our missionaries among your intentions and if you are able, include an offering of any amount to assist their work here in the United States and in our missions in Central America.

May God bless you,


Fr. Robert, O.F.M.